This year Christmas time may not be as joyful as in past years. Life has been different and gatherings with family and friends have a different look than in previous years.
There are moments in our lives, like today – when we remember exactly what we were doing years ago, just as though it happened yesterday. For me, it was being with Mama as she passed into the Kingdom of Heaven in all aspects of her life. She knew God on this planet – deeply and she spread that consciousness to her children, her grandchildren, and to those whom she knew as neighbors and friends.
We can remember Christmas pasts and look to the future for more open gatherings. In the meantime, let us remember the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Ernest Holmes invites us to “deliberately PLAY with the idea that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, that the Kingdom of God is within.” He most likely purposely chose the word PLAY here. When we play with something, we hold it lightly and lovingly. We experiment with an ease of no judgment because we are just “playing” like how hard and in what direction to toss a ball or how fast to run; how to get our sled started down the hill; what game to choose. We know it is just a game and the only thing permanent about our play is what we learn and how much we enjoy that learning.
So today, play with the idea that the “Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” When you see something that doesn’t fit into your definition of Heaven, play with changing your definition, with seeing the thing differently, with allowing it to fit into the space of your definition. If that works, be grateful! If it doesn’t, realize we have a choice to look for something different, to see the truth that IS part of the Kingdom of Heaven. Try holding your vision there, instead of on the things that are “not-Heaven.” As Holmes taught, we have to look away from the conditions which now exist, while accepting, mentally and spiritually, better ones. We do this with the experimental spirit of play – not with the dulling burden of “work” or “grief.” Adopting the attitude of play allows us to see the better conditions with a spirit of joyous acceptance! It also lets us see that the outcome of our “experiment” of play isn’t engraved in stone – so if it isn’t the good we seek, we choose again.
May you find the spirit of play with the Kingdom of Heaven being at hand in each challenge, each storm in your life, each grieving moment.